Answering Vivekananda & Vedanta

Answering Vivekananda & Vedanta

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Swami Vivekananda and Islam, Criticism no 6:

Criticism no 6:

 " The most curious thing was the code of war of those days; as soon as the battle for the day ceased and evening came, the opposing parties were good friends, even going to each other's tents; however, when the morning came, again they proceeded to fight each other. That was the strange trait that the Hindus carried downto the time of the Mohammedan invasion.

Then again, a man on horseback must not strike one on foot; must not poison the weapon; must not vanquish the enemy in any unequal fight, or by dishonesty; and must never take undue advantage of another and so on. If any deviated from these rules he would be covered with dishonour and shunned. The Kshatriyas were trained in that way. And when the foreign invasion came from Central Asia, the Hindus treated the invaders in the same way. They defeated them several times, and on as many occasions sent them back to their homes with presents etc. The code laid down was that they must not usurp anybody's country; and when a man was beaten, he must be sent back to his country with due regard to his position. The Mohammedan conquerors treated the Hindu kings differently, and when they got them once, they destroyed them without remorse." 

(Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda Vol IV. 93-4)


The new millennium began with the rise of Islamic power in the world, and it is ending with an established Western dominance of the globe. Both these developments changed the nature of the world, but had particularly profound effects on India. For one thing the governance of India shifted from the collection of diverse Hindu and Buddhist kingdoms (just described) at the end of the last millennium to a diversity of Islamic rules, culminating in the Moghal empire.

It must also be recollected the nearly all the major world religions other than Islam were already well represented in India well before the last millennium.

Cause for Invasion : Construction or Destruction ?

Pre-Islamic India!

The Indian subcontinent - to looked at our own locality - also was not devoid of divisions and wars. As the year 1000 A.D. approached, the Palas ruled over Bengal and Bihar, the Pratiharas reigned over West india and the upper Ganges valley, Cholas governed Tamil Nadu, Chandellas controlled Bundelkhand, Kalachuris had Madhya Pradesh, Chahamanis ruled East Rajasthan, Paramaras were in charge of Malwa, and while one line of Chalukyas reigned over West and Central Deccan, another was powerful in Gujarat. King Rajaraja of the Chola dynasty conquered Sri Lanka as the millennium came to an end.

It is worth beginning by recollecting that even pre-Muslim India was not just Hindu India. Indeed, to begin with the most obvious, perhaps the greatest Indian emperor in the pre-Muslim period was a Buddhist, to wit, Ashoka, and there were other great non-Hindu emperors, including Harsha.

In response of Caliph Umar’s question about the Makran region, the Messenger from Makran who bring the news of the victory told him:

'O Commander of the faithful! It's a land where the plains are stony; Where water is scanty; Where the fruits are unsavory Where men are known for treachery; Where plenty is unknown; Where virtue is held of little account; And where evil is dominant; A large army is less for there; And a less army is use less there; The land beyond it, is even worst (referring to Sind).}}

Umar looked at the messenger and said: "Are you a messenger or a poet? He replied “Messenger”. Thereupon Caliph Umar, after listening to the unfavorable situations for sending an army instructed Hakim bin Amr al Taghlabi that for the time being Makran should be the easternmost frontier of the Rashidun Caliphate, and that no further attempt should be made to extend the conquests. Thereupon on of the commander of Islamic army in Makran said the following verses:

“ If the Commander of faithful wouldn’t have stopped us from going beyond, so we would have bought our forces to the temple of prostitutes ”

Referring to the Hindu Temple in interior Sind where prostitutes use to give a part of their earning as charity.

Zaheeruddin Babar in his Autobiography 'Tuzuk-i-Babari,' (Founder of Mughal Dynasty, Ruled India 1526-1530).

There are neither good horses in India, nor good meat, nor grapes, nor melons, nor ice, nor cold water, nor baths, nor candle, nor candlestick, nor torch. In the place of the candle, they use the divat. It rests on three legs: a small iron piece resembling the snout of a lamp... Even in case of Rajas and Maharajas, the attendants stand holding the clumsy divat in their hands when they are in need of a light in the night.

There is no arrangement for running water in gardens and buildings. The buildings lack beauty, symmetry, ventilation and neatness. Commonly, the people walk barefooted with a narrow slip tied round the loins. Women wear a dress ...?

The Invasion!

The invasion of Sind by Muhammad Ibn Qasim al-Thaqafi in 713 A.D. was precipitated by the failure of Dahir, the ruler of Sind, to punish the pirates who had interfered with Muslim shipping near the coast of his province.[10] The Muslim kings and emperors who ruled over India for over one thousand years were not colonial rulers. Those who had gone there from other countries made the sub-continent their own home. They did not make any discrimination between religious communities but gave equal opportunity and ensured social justice to all irrespective of their religious affinity. In fact, the Muslim rulers-the Khaljis, the Lodis, the Syeds and the Mughals- kept the indigenous Muslims, who constituted the bulk of Indian Muslims, at a safe distance from the apparatus of power. In the words of Iqbal Ansari, "It is the greatest travesty of facts to call this period of dynastic rule of Persian and Turkish origin as Muslim rule. Islam did make its presence felt during this period on Indian social and cultural life. But Islam did not play a dominant role in statecraft. The conquest of India by Islam was again not on the agenda of the Muslim kings. Islam and its promotion was not even a major factor in state policies."[11] This is well-established by the fact that although Delhi remained the capital of Muslim rulers for 647 years (1211-1858 A.D.), the Muslims were a small minority there throughout the period. According to the 1971 census, the Muslims of Delhi constituted only 7.8 percent of the total population of the city. The bulk of the indigenous converted Muslims- artisans, craftsmen, and tillers- did not enjoy any privilege under the system of Muslim rule. Rather high caste groups from among Hindus enjoyed greater privileges under the patronage of the Muslim monarchies. In many cases, the most important jobs like those of ministers and chiefs of army were given to non-Muslims, especially Hindus.


10. Encyclopedia of Islam, New Edition, vol. VII, Netherlands, 1991, p. 405.

11. Iqbal A. Ansari, The Muslim Situation in India, New Delhi, 1989, p.12.
Codes of War:

"Fight against those who fight you in the way of Allah, but do not Transgress, for Allah does not love transgressors"---- (Quran 2:190)

Here the Fundamental principles of War are;

1. Individuals cannot wage a War.

2. An Islamic state has been enjoined to fight but only in the way of Allah. A state cannot fight for material gains nor can it fight to establish the ruler's own supremacy.

3. The State has been allowed to fight against only those who are at war with it or who have waged a war against it.

4. Even if the time of war comes the muslim army has to follow certain codes.
And it was made clear that Allah does not like those who transgress the limits.( Syed yusuf Ali Translation)

The codes Muslims have to follow during War are;

1.Women, children, the old and the injured in the enemy camp must not be attacked.

2.Those who are busy worshipping god must not be hurt.

3.Crops and trees not be destroyed.

4.Animals not to be killed.

5.Deadbodies of enemies not to be mutialiated.


Those who do not observe these instructions have been warned that all their struggle and sacrifice will go in Vain rather they would be considered transgressors in the eyes of Allah.

What did the Islamic influence do to India?

India is the seventh largest country in the world, and the second largest in Asia. Before the advent of Muslims, the country was fragmented into small warring states and there was no concept of Indian nationalism. The Muslim rulers, especially the Mughals, unified the country and gave it a central administration. They called the country Hind and Hindustan, i.e. a country of the Hindus (non-Muslims). The name 'India', a distortion of Hind, was given to her by the British rulers. But the new religion brought by Prophet Mohammad emphasized mono-theism with great vigor and, as a corollary advocated and to a great extent, practiced equality among men of different race, colour and social strata. This message of equality attracted a large number of converts and it soon spread to other parts of the land.

The impact of the invaders from the north-west and of Islam on India had been considerable. It had pointed out and shone up the abuses that had crept into Hindu society - the petrification of caste, untouchability, exclusiveness carried to fantastic lengths. The idea of the brotherhood of Islam and the theoretical equality of its adherents made a powerful appeal especially to those in the Hindu fold who were denied any semblance of equal treatment.?

Dr. Pattabhi Sitaramayya, Presidential Address to the Fifty-fifth Session of the Indian Congress, Jaipur, 1948.

(The Muslims had) enriched our culture, strengthened our administration, and brought near distant parts of the country... It (the Muslim Period) touched deeply the social life and the literature of the land.?

Humayun Kabir in 'The Indian Heritage,' 1955, p. 153.

Islam's democratic challenge has perhaps never been equaled by any other religious or social system. Its advent on the Indian scene was marked by a profound stirring of consciousness. It modified the basis of Hindu social structure throughout northern India.?

N.S. Mehta, in 'Islam and the Indian Civilization,' reproduced in 'Hindustan ke Ahd-i-Wusta ki ek Jhalak,' by S.A. Rahman.

Islam had brought to India a luminous torch which rescued humanity from darkness at a time when old civilizations were on the decline and lofty moral ideals had got reduced to empty intellectual concepts. As in other lands, so in India too, the conquests of Islam were more widespread in the world of thought than in the world of politics. Today, also, the Islamic World is a spiritual brotherhood which is held together by community of faith in the Oneness of God and human equality. Unfortunately, the history of Islam in this country remained tied up for centuries with that of government with the result that a veil was cast over its true spirit, and its fruits and blessings were hidden from the popular eye.?

Prof. K.M. Panikkar in 'A Survey of Indian History,' 1947, p. 163.

One thing is clear. Islam had a profound effect on Hinduism during this period. Medieval theism is in some ways a reply to the attack of Islam; and the doctrine of medieval teachers by whatever names their gods are known are essentially theistic. It is the one supreme God that is the object of the devotee's adoration and it is to His grace that we are asked to look for redemption.?

Dr. Gustav le Bon in 'Les Civilisations de L'Inde' (translated by S.A. Bilgrami).

"There does not exist a history of ancient India. Their books contain no historical data whatever, except for a few religious books in which historical information is buried under a heap of parables and folk-lore, and their buildings and other monuments also do nothing to fill the void for the oldest among them do not go beyond the third century B.C. To discover facts about India of the ancient times is as difficult a task as the discovery of the island of Atlantis, which, according to Plato, was destroyed due to the changes of the earth... The historical phase of India began with the Muslim invasion. Muslims were India's first historians.

Sir William Digby in 'Prosperous India: A Revelation,' p. 30.

"Someone has said that Europeans in South Africa dread the advent of Islam - Islam that civilized Spain - Islam that took the torch of light to Morocco and preached to the world the Gospel of brotherhood. The Europeans of South Africa dread the advent of Islam, as they may claim, equality with the white races. They may well dread it. If brotherhood is a sin, If it is equality of coloured races that they dread, then their dread is well founded."

Mahatma Gandhi quoted in Muhammed The prophet of the Islam: by Ramakrishna Rao Page 8.


Swami Vivekananda and Islam, Criticism no 5:

Criticism no 5:  

"...You have withstood the shocks of centuries simply because you took great  care of it, you sacrificed everything else for it. Your forefathers underwent  everything boldly, even death itself, but preserved their religion. Temple  after temple was broken down by the foreigner conquerers, but no sooner had the  wave passed than the spire of the temple rose up again. Some of these old  temples of southern India and those like Somnath of Gujarat will teach you  volumes of wisdom, will give you a keener insight into the history of the race than any amount of books. Mark how these temples bear the marks of a hundred  attacks and a hundred regenerations, continually destroyed and continually  springing up out of the ruins, rejuvenated and strong as ever! That is the  national mind, that is the national life-current. Follow it and it leads  to glory. Give it up and you die; death will be the only result, annihilation  the only effect, the moment you step beyond that life-current. (Complete works of Swami Vivekananda Vol III:289) 


        This doesent seem like Experience attributed to Swamiji, rather a Copy-Paste from the History books written by Britishers for their Divide and Rule policy!

What is the Truth ?

                    The Muslim rule in India lasted for almost 1000 years. How come then, asked the British historian Sir Henry Elliot, that Hindus 'had not left any account which could enable us to gauge the traumatic impact the Muslim conquest and rule had on them'? Since there was none, Elliot went on to produce his own eight-volume History of India from its own historians (1867). His history claimed Hindus were slain for disputing with 'Muhammedans', generally prohibited from worshipping and taking out religious processions, their idols were mutilated, their temples destroyed, they were forced into conversions and marriages, and were killed and massacred by drunk Muslim tyrants. Thus Sir Henry, and scores of other Empire scholars, went on to produce a synthetic Hindu versus Muslim history of India, and their lies became history.

Thus history was 'originally compiled by European writers' whose main objective was to produce a history that would serve their policy of divide and rule.

Lord Curzon (Governor General of India 1895-99 and Viceroy 1899-1904, d.1925) was told by the Secretary of State for India, George Francis Hamilton, that they 'should so plan the educational text books that the differences between community and community are further strengthened'.

Another Viceroy, Lord Dufferin (1884-88), was advised by the Secretary of State in London that the 'division of religious feelings is greatly to our advantage', and that he expected 'some good as a result of your committee of inquiry on Indian education and on teaching material'.

'We have maintained our power in India by playing-off one part against the other,' the Secretary of State for India reminded yet another Viceroy, Lord Elgin (1862-63), 'and we must continue to do so. Do all you can, therefore, to prevent all having a common feeling.'

In his famous Khuda Bakhsh Annual Lecture (1985) Dr Pande* said: 'Thus under a definite policy the Indian history books text-books were so falsified and distorted as to give an impression that the medieval [i.e. Muslim] period of Indian history was full of atrocities committed by Muslim rulers on their Hindu subjects and the Hindus had to suffer terrible indignities under Muslim rule. And there were no common factors [between Hindus and Muslims] in social, political and economic life.'

Therefore, Dr Pande was extra careful. Whenever he came across a 'fact' that looked odd to him, he would try to check and verify rather than adopt it uncritically.

He came across a history text-book taught in the Anglo-Bengali College, Allahabad which claimed that 'three thousand Brahmins had committed suicide as Tipu wanted to convert them forcibly into the fold of Islam'. The author was a very famous scholar, Dr Har Prashad Shastri, head of the department of Sanskrit at Calcutta University. (Tipu Sultan (1750-99), who ruled over the South Indian state of Mysore (1782-99), is one of the most heroic figures in Indian history. He died on the battlefield, fighting the British.)

Was it true?

 Dr Pande wrote immediately to the author and asked him for the source on which he had based this episode in his text-book. After several reminders, Dr Shastri replied that he had taken this information from the Mysore Gazetteer. So Dr Pande requested the Mysore University vice chancellor, Sir Brijendra Nath Seal, to verify for him Dr Shastri's statement from the Gazetteer. Sir Brijendra referred his letter to Prof Srikantia who was then working on a new edition of the Gazetteer. Srikantia wrote to say that the Gazetteer mentioned no such incident and, as a historian himself, he was certain that nothing like this had taken place. Prof Srikantia added that both the prime minister and the commander-in-chief of Tipu Sultan were themselves Brahmins. He also enclosed a list of 136 Hindu temples which used to receive annual grants from the Sultan's treasury.

It transpired that Shastri had lifted this story from Colonel Miles' History of Mysore which Miles claimed he had taken from a Persian manuscript in the personal library of Queen Victoria. When Dr Pande checked further, he found that no such manuscript existed in Queen Victoria's library. Yet Dr Shastri's book was being used as a high school history text-book in seven Indian states, Assam, Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. So he sent his entire correspondence about the book to the vice chancellor of Calcutta University, Sir Ashutosh Chaudhary. Sir Ashutosh promptly ordered Shashtri's book out of the course. Yet years later, in 1972, Dr Pande was surprised to discover the same suicide story was still being taught as 'history' in junior high schools in Uttar Pradesh. The lie had found currency as a fact of history.

The Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb (born 1618, reigned 1658-1707) is the most reviled of all Muslim rulers in India. He was supposed to be a great destroyer of temples and oppressor of Hindus, and a 'fundamentalist' too! As chairman of the Allahabad Municipality (1948-53), Dr Pande had to deal with a land dispute between two temple priests. One of them had filed in evidence some farmans (royal orders) to prove that Aurangzeb had, besides cash, gifted the land in question for the maintenance of his temple. Might they not be fake, Dr Pande thought, in view of Aurangzeb's fanatically anti-Hindu image? He showed them to his friend, Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru, a distinguished lawyer as well a great scholar of Arabic and Persian. He was also a Brahmin. Sapru examined the documents and declared they were genuine farmans issued by Aurangzeb.

For Dr Pande this was a 'new image of Aurangzeb'; so he wrote to the chief priests of the various important temples, all over the country, requesting photocopies of any farman issued by Aurangzeb that they may have in their possession. The response was overwhelming; he got farmans from several principal Hindu and jain temples, even from Sikh Gurudwaras in northern India. These farmans, issued between 1659 and 1685, related to grant of jagir (large parcel of agricultural lands) to support regular maintenance of these places of worship.

Dr Pande's research showed that Aurangzeb was as solicitous of the rights and welfare of his non-Muslim subjects as he was of his Muslim subjects. Hindu plaintiffs received full justice against their Muslims respondents and, if guilty, Muslims were given punishment as necessary.

One of the greatest charges against Aurangzeb is of the demolition of Vishwanath temple in Banaras (Varanasi). That was a fact, but Dr Pande unravelled the reason for it. 'While Aurangzeb was passing near Varanasi on his way to Bengal, the Hindu Rajas in his retinue requested that if the halt was made for a day, their Ranis may go to Varanasi, have a dip in the Ganges and pay their homage to Lord Vishwanath. Aurangzeb readily agreed.

'Army pickets were posted on the five mile route to Varanasi. The Ranis made journey on the palkis [palanquins]. They took their dip in the Ganges and went to the Vishwanath temple to pay their homage. After offering puja [worship] all the Ranis returned except one, the Maharani of Kutch. A thorough search was made of the temple precincts but the Rani was to be found nowhere.

'When Aurangzeb came to know of this, he was very much enraged. He sent his senior officers to search for the Rani. Ultimately they found that statue of Ganesh [the elephant-headed god which was fixed in the wall was a moveable one. When the statue was moved, they saw a flight of stairs that led to the basement. To their horror they found the missing Rani dishonoured and crying deprived of all her ornaments. The basement was just beneath Lord Vishwanath's seat.'

The Rajas demanded salutary action, and 'Aurangzeb ordered that as the sacred precincts have been despoiled, Lord Vishwanath may be moved to some other place, the temple be razed to the ground and the Mahant [head priest] be arrested and punished'. (B N Pande, Islam and Indian Culture, Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library, Patna, 1987)

The inhumanity did not lie in the Indian nature, but the nature had fallen victim to the evil heritage of colonial history. Few realised how 1000 years of their history had been stolen from them. Many tended to buy the fake and doctored version handed down to them as part of their colonial heritage. Some even saw a little political advantage in this trade. Dr Pande heard a leading Hindu Mahasabha politician and religious leader, Mahant Digvijaynath, telling an election meeting that it is written in the Qur'an that killing a Hindu was an act of goodness (thawab). Dr Pande called upon the Mahant (High Priest) and told him that he had read the Qur'an a few times but didn't find such a statement in it, and he had, therefore, brought with him several English, Urdu and Hindi translations of the Qur'an; so would he kindly point to him where exactly did the statement occur in the Qur'an?

Isn't it written there? said the Mahant. I haven't found it; if you have, please tell me, replied Dr Pande. Then what does it say? It speaks about love and brotherhood, about the oneness of mankind. What's jihad then? What is jizyah? How then India got partitioned? The Mahant went on asking, and Dr Pande kept on explaining, hoping the Mahant would correct himself. However, the Mahant's ideas were fixed, in prejudice and in ignorance.

I would have asked the same Question to Swami Vivekananda, if he was alive today!

Dr Pande was, however, just one individual. That made his work all the more important, not just from the Muslim but from the point of view of the entire country. India's deconstructed history is like a time bomb; unless it is defused, India cannot survive in one piece. Not for very long.

Bishambhar Nath Pande* born on 23 December 1906 in the Madhya Pradesh of Umreth; member UP Legislative Assembly (1952-53); member UP Legislative Council (1972-74); twice member of the upper house, Rajya Sabha (1976 and 1982); Governor of Orissa state (1983-88); recipient of the highest national award Padma Shri (1976); author of several books, including The Spirit of India and The Concise History of Congress; died in New Delhi, 1 June 1998.

Courtesy: Impact International, London, Vol 28, July 1998, Copyright © 1998, All Rights Reserved.

Why Did Muslim and Hindu Rulers Destroy Temples? 

                   The VHP instigates Hindus by charging that Muslim rulers tried to force Islam on Hindus and demolished temples as part of their religious oppression. Yes some Muslim rulers did destroy temples in the process of wars. But these were not religious wars. Every Muslim ruler had some Hindus commanding top positions in their armies, and similarly Hindu rulers had some Muslims in similar positions. What the VHP deliberately hides is that the main motive behind the destruction of temples was not religion by plunder. And that such plunder was carried out not only by Muslim rulers, but even by Hindu rulers who looted their own Gods. For example, Prof. Harbans Mukhia tells us, "Many Hindu rulers also did the same (demolish) with temples in enemy territory long before the Muslims had emerged as a political challenge to these kingdoms. Subhatavarman, the Parmar ruler (1193 -1210 A.D.), attacked Gujrat and plundered a large number of Jain temples at Dabhoi and Cambay. Harsha, a ruler of Kashmir, plundered all the temples in his own kingdom, barring four, in order to replenish his treasury, and not a word of protest was uttered. And when he needed still more money and enhanced the amount of tribute due from his subordinate feudal lords, he was dragged down the streets of Srinagar and done to death."

Do the VHP leaders have the courage to tell this history to the masses? Do they also condemn Hindu rules like Subhatavarman and Harsha along with Babar?

Where Will the Destruction of Other's Shrines Take Us? 

Indian history is replete with examples of the conversion of shrines. Not just mandirs converted into masjids, or churches, but even Buddhist temples have been converted into Hindu temples. Even though Shaivaites and Vaishnavaites are both Hindus, there are a number of examples where Shiva temples have been forcibly converted into Vaishnavaite temples and vice-versa. Now what if the Shaivaites and Vaishnavaites, both Hindus, follow the VHPs reasoning and start demolishing each others temples in order on restore them to the original status? Will it unite the Hindus or will it lead to disintegration - we would like to ask the VHP, the self-proclaimed unifying force within Hinduism? Nationalist it claims to be, but can its logic lead to anything else but breaking the country?

Courtesy: Bharatiyda Janwadi Aghadi, 254 Ambedkar Nagar, MIDC Road No8, Andheri (E), Bombay 400093, India. Pamphlet (1990). Abridged and compiled by IIFA.

Extended reading:

Name of the Book: Temple Destruction and Muslim States in Medieval India
Author: Richard M. Eaton,
Publisher: Hope India, Gurgaon (
Year: 2004 Pages: 101 Price: Rs.225 ISBN: 81-7871-027-7

 Eaton thus seeks to dismiss the notion that various Muslim rulers in India wantonly engaged in destroying Hindu temples, allegedly driven by a 'theology of iconoclasm'. Such a picture, he insists, cannot, sustained by evidence from original sources from the early thirteenth century onwards. Had instances of temple desecration been driven by a 'theology of iconoclasm', he argues, this would have 'committed Muslims in India to destroying all temples everywhere, including ordinary village temples, as opposed to the highly selective operation that seems actually to have taken place'. In contrast, Eaton's meticulous research leads him to believe that 'the original data associate instances of temple desecration with the annexation of newly conquered territories held by enemy kings whose domains lay on the path of moving military frontiers. Temple desecration also occurred when Hindu patrons of prominent temples committed acts of treason or disloyalty to the Indo-Muslim states they served'. Otherwise, he notes, 'temples lying within Indo-Muslim sovereign domains, viewed normally as protected state property, were left unmolested'.


Swami Vivekananda and Islam, Criticism no 4:

Criticism no 4: 

More from Swamiji on this aspect: 

"Now, some Mohammedans are the crudest in this respect, and the most sectarian. Their watchword is "There is one God, and Mohammed is His Prophet". Everything beyond that not only is bad, but must be destroyed forthwith; at a moment's notice. every man or woman, who does not exactly believe in that, must be killed; everything that does not belong to this worship must be immediately broken; every book that teaches anything else must be burnt. From the Pacific to the Atlantic, for five hundred years, blood ran all over the world. That is Mohammedanism! Nevertheless, among these Mohammedans, wherever there was a philosophic man, he was sure to protest against these cruelties. 

(Works of Swami Vivekananda Vol IV:126)


Whenever I see the criticisms of Swamiji, I don’t panic! I am patient, I know that some where the Lord of mankind ( Including Swamiji) has the Answers ready!

Slander or Ignorance ?

Slander is one of the ugly methods used by dishonest and immoral people whose interests have been damaged, and thus are hostile, angry, and full of ill-feeling toward the people with whom they are in competition or whom they desire to hurt.

Ignorant is a person who has no knowledge or is Unaware!

“If you throw enough dirt, some of it will stick” does not work on believers.

The Qur’an reveals that all of Allah’s messengers and other devout people who called their societies to abide by the Qur’an’s morality stood accused of avarice, madness, arrogance, theft, and fornication. Yusuf’s (as) life was full of such examples of slander, as were those of Musa (as), Sulayman (as), and even Prophet Muhammad (saas). Likewise Maryam, the mother of `Isa (as); A’isha, the wife of our Prophet (saas); and his Companions were all exposed to slander. These people always displayed exemplary patience and reliance upon Allah when confronted with slander, disregarded the unbelievers’ such efforts, and continued to live by the morality ordained by Allah.

You will be tested in your wealth and in yourselves, and you will hear many abusive words from those given the Book before you and from those who associate [others with Me]. But if you are steadfast and guard against evil, that is the most resolute course to take.--------- (Surah Al ‘Imran, 186)

You are a greater cause of terror in their breasts than Allah! That is because they are people who do not understand.------------- (Surat al-Hashr: 13)

A misconception about Islam

Many people have a misconception that Islam is a new religion that was formulated 1400 years ago, and that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was the founder of Islam. However, let me clarify that Islam is not the name of some unique religion presented for the first time by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who should, on that account be called the founder of Islam.

The Qur’an states that Islam – the complete submission of man before his one and only Unique Creator – is the one and only faith and way of life consistently revealed by God to humankind from the very beginning. Noah, Solomon, David, Abraham, Moses, Isaac and Jesus (peace be upon them all) – prophets who appeared at different times and places – all propagated the same faith and conveyed the same message of Tawheed (Oneness of God), Risaalat (Prophethood) and Aakhirah (the Hereafter). These prophets of God were not founders of different religions to be named after them. They were each reiterating the message and faith of their predecessors.

However, Muhammad (pbuh) was the last Prophet of God. God revived through him the same genuine faith which had been conveyed by all His Prophets. This original message was earlier corrupted and split into various religions by people of different ages, who indulged in interpolations and admixture. These alien elements were eliminated by God, and Islam – in its pure and original form – was transmitted to humankind through Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

Since there was to be no messenger after Muhammad (pbuh), the Book revealed to him (i.e. the Glorious Qur’an) was preserved word for word so that it should be a source of guidance for all times.

Thus the religion of all the prophets was ‘total submission to God’s will’ and one word for that in the Arabic language is ‘Islam’. Abraham and Jesus (peace be upon them) too were Muslims, as Allah testifies in Al-Qur'an 3:67 and 3:52 respectively.

Watchword ?

Watchword according to dictonary means “Slogan of a Party”!

, “La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadur rasoolu Allah,” . This saying means “There is no true god but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah”. Is the Article of Faith in Islam!

Islam is not a Party and the above sentence is not a slogan! The Article of faith is a part and parcel of belief of each and every Muslim, it is shameful to assert it as a Slogan of a Party. A person who says with conviction, the above Article of Faith becomes a Muslim. There are 1.5 Billion Muslims in the World and , Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world Today. On Non-Muslims! (With Proof)

1.Does Islam order the destruction of Non-Believers ?

Freedom of Religion:

Some of the Quranic Verses that disprove Swamiji’s allegations are;

"Do not revile those whom they invoke other than Allah"--(Quran 6:108)

"Say: It is truth from the Lord of you all. Then whosoever will, let him believe, and whosoever will, let him disbelieve." (Quran 18:30)

"We showed him the way; whether he be grateful or ungrateful (rests on his will)."
--------- (Quran 76:3)

"Therefore you do admonish, for you are one to admonish. You are not one to manage (men's) affairs." (Quran 88:21-22)

"Unto you your religion. And unto me my religion".--(Quran 109:6)

"And if they deny thee, say: unto me my work and unto you your work." (Quran 10:42)

"(O Muhammad!): If they do not believe in this message, you will perhaps torment yourself to death with grief, sorrowing over them. Surely, we have made all that is on earth an embellishment for it in order to test people as to who of them is better in conduct."
--------- (Quran 18:6-7)

"Nor can Goodness and Evil be equal. Repel (Evil) with what is better: then will he between whom and you was hatred become as it were your friend and intimate."
--(Quran 41:34)

"My people! Give full measure and weight with justice, do not diminish the goods of others, and do not go about creating corruption in the land." (Quran 11:85).

2. Does Islam order Killing of Non-Muslims if they do not believe ?

"He who slays a soul unless it be (in punishment) for murder or for spreading mischief on earth shall be as if he had slain all mankind; and he who saves a life shall be as if he had given life to all mankind"--(Quran 5:32)

"Let there be no compulsion in Religion; Truth stands out clear from error"
-(Quran 2:256)

"Thou art not one to compel them by force."--(Quran 50:45)

3. Does Islam order destruction of place of worship of Non-Muslims ?

A Muslim must respect and protect the holy places where the People of the Book worship God, and protect them. For Muslims, these places are precious because in these places, people, whether Jews or Christians, remember God. In the Qur'an, the places of worship of the People of the Book, ie. Monasteries, churches and synagogues, are mentioned as places of worship protected by God. …if God had not driven some people back by means of others, monasteries, churches, synagogues and mosques, where God's name is mentioned much, would have been pulled down and destroyed. God will certainly help those who help Him—God is All-Strong, Almighty.------- (Qur'an, 22:40)

4. Does Islam order burning of books of other faith ?

There are several revelations sent by Allah (swt) in different ages for the guidance of human beings of the respective ages.

To every people (was sent)
A Messenger: when their Messenger
Comes (before them), the matter
Will be judged between them
With justice, and they
Will not be wronged.

-------(Al Qur’an 10:47)

And there never was
A people, without a warner
Having lived among them
(In the past).

----------(Al Qur’an 35:24)

And to every people a guide.

-----------(Al Qur’an 13:7)

There are 25 Prophets mentioned by name in the Glorious Qur’an. Some of such prophets are: Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad (peace be upon them all).


According to a Sahih Hadith in Mishkatul Masaabih Vol. 3 hadith No. 5737 Ahmad Ibn Hambal Vol. 5 page 265-266: “There were 1,24,000 prophets sent by Allah (swt).”

Allah (swt) has sent a revelation in every age.

Allah (swt) says in the Qur’an:

“For each period

Is a Book (revealed)

-------(Al Qur’an 13:38)

Say ye: “We believe in Allah,
And the revelation given to us,
And to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac,
Jacob, and the Tribes,
And that given to Moses and Jesus
And that given to (all)
Prophets from their lord:
We make no difference
Between one and another of them:
And we bow to Allah (in Islam).”

(Holy Qur’an 2:136)

Four Revelations mentioned by name in the Qur’an:

There are several revelations sent by Allah (swt) in different ages for the guidance of human beings of the respective ages. Only four revelations are mentioned by name in the Qur’an: these are the. Torah, Zabur, Injeel and the Qur’an.

Torah is the Wahi, the revelation which was revealed to Prophet Moses (pbuh).

Zabur is the Wahi, the revelation which was revealed to Prophet David (pbuh)

Injeel is the Wahi, the revelation which was revealed to Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and

The Qur’an is the last and final Wahi, the final revelation, which was revealed to the Last and Final Messenger Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

All previous revelations were only meant for a particular group of people and for a particular time period.

Each of the revelations, prior to the revelation of the Glorious Qur’an, was meant only for a particular period and for a particular group of people.

The Qur’an was revealed for whole of Humankind

Since the Qur’an was the last and final revelation of Almighty Allah, it was revealed not only for the Muslims or the Arabs but it was revealed for whole of Humankind. Further, the Qur’an was not revealed only for the era of the Prophet but it was revealed for the all of Humankind until the Last Day.

Allah (swt) says in the Qur’an:

Alif Ram Ra. A Book
Which We have revealed
Unto thee, in order that
Thou mightest lead mankind
Out of the depths of darkness
Into light - by the leave
Of their Lord – to the way
Of (Him) the Exalted in Power,
Worthy of all Praise!

----------(Al Qur’an 14:1)

Al Qur’an is God’s Word. It is the most sacred scripture of Islam. It is the Last and Final Revelation of Almighty God which was revealed in the sixth century of the English Calendar to the last and final messenger Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

The Qur’an is mentioned in the previous scriptures and in scriptures of other religions

It is mentioned in the Qur’an:

Without doubt it is (announced)
In the revealed Books
Of former peoples.

---------(Al Qur’an 26:196)

The mention of the Glorious Qur’an, this last and final Revelation of Almighty God, is made in all the previous scriptures and in the scriptures of various religions.
